Posted by : Niraj lathiya Saturday, 8 March 2014

Blocking any website on your computer becomes necessary when you really want to make it your personal computer. Many times someone from your family or some irritating friend comes to you and want to use your computer to surf internet and then he start viewing videos on youtube or start chatting on Facebook regardless of whether you are liking it or not but you cant even ask them to leave.

Block websites

Of course you never want that anyone use your computer for long time and keep using your internet while you just sit aside them to see what they are doing. You can simply block the sites and prevent them from opening in your system to get rid of this problem.

How to Block Websites on your Computer

There are certain Tricks to block a website from opening on your system :

Method 1 : Using Windows host file

For this method , you don’t require any additional software to be installed on your computer. All you need is a little bit knowledge and some basic file editing capability using notepad. Windows has this host file to map the ip addresses and host names of the host sites to your computer.
By using this trick you can make your computer to redirect again to your local machine instead of opening that host site. So for blocking any website using windows host file you need to follow some steps as given below :

Step 1 : 

Open  “C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc” in the Windows search bar or navigate to the folder by clicking your way through Windows Explorer.

Step 2 :

Now after reaching to this path you will see a file named Host. Right click on that file and click on open with notepad.

Step 3 :

In Notepad, you will see several lines of text used for mapping purposes. Go to the last line of text (it should say something regarding a local host), now press enter to move the cursor to the end of the file then type  “″  (without codes)and press the spacebar.

Step 4 :
Now, type the specified address of the website you wish to block on the same line. For example, type “” , “” to block all these sites.

block websites

Step 5 :

Now Save this file and ignore if you receive any messages showing  you warning about this modifications.

Step 6 :

Go to your browser and verify that the site you want to block isn’t opening anymore.

Method 2 : Using control Panel

If you don’t wish to block sites using this host file or there is some problem in modifying that file , so you can do the same thing using another default function of windows i.e. Control Panel Parental Control.

For doing this , just follow a few steps given below and you are done :

Step 1 :

Click on start button  > Go to control panel >  User accounts and Family safety > Set up parental control for any user.

List of all the users in your system will be displayed .

Step 2 :

Now select the account for which you want to set the web filter and then under parental controls ,  click ON.

Step 3 :   Click on web filter.
Step 4 : Click on Block some websites or contents .
Step 5  : Click on Edit the allow and block list.
Step 6 : In the Website address box, type the address for the website that you want to allow or block, and then click Allow or Block.
These two are the Easy and working Methods to Block websites on your Computer

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